How to Kick Ass with Scalable Personalised Marketing Campaigns

“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realise it themselves.” – Steve Jobs

You probably have at least one local business in your neighbourhood that you really love. This can be the coffee shop where you read your Sunday newspaper at your reserved table, the local butcher who always gives your kids a treat, or the corner café where the bartender knows you by name. All of them have in common that they treat us as individuals and make us feel valued.

And isn’t that our job as marketers? To make our customers feel valued and create a meaningful experience that speaks to their specific needs. In the Digital Age where customer data is everywhere, it’s possible to really know your customers and create highly targeted relevant communications for each individual.

Critical is understanding what your customers like, don’t like and what they don’t yet know they want – all achieved through analytics, decisioning, self-learning and customised communications which build customer profiles to optimise and maximise engagement. This will ultimately tell you who to target with what offer or content, and how to present it based on each customer’s needs and preferences.

However when looking at the abundance of your data on customer wants, habits, and information, it is difficult to know where to start. That is why we at Digital Alchemy developed a Dynamic Decisioning Engine (uDecide) that helps you steal the complexity of your data in order to make real-time decisions on the message or offer your customers receive. uDecide is an intelligent and self-learning algorithm that takes all your customer data into consideration and determines your next best conversation. Enabling you to add value to the customer experience by delivering truly personalised offers and messages suited to each customer.


We recently implemented uDecide for one of our clients. The aim was to optimise the match between offers and customers through their campaigns and the results were amazing. The first campaign execution alone exceeded all expectations. The new uDecide campaign had not only paid for the implementation, but doubled incremental revenue and achieved all targets surrounding contact rates across the market. All by reaching more of the right people with the right message at the right time.

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