Meet an Alchemist: Nin Chawanin, Business Development Executive

Chawanin Sawaddikiattikul (nickname Nin) doesn’t only have the longest last name in Digital Alchemy’s Bangkok office; she also has the biggest heart. Known for her persistency and drive to get things done for her clients, Nin lives by the motto that there is no mountain big enough to keep her from her goals. That’s not to mention Nin’s other role in the office as the go-to woman when it comes to shoe shopping and advice.

First things first, what led you to Digital Alchemy (DA)?

When I graduated, I already knew that I wanted to work for a foreign company. Gaining new cultural perspectives and working in a dynamic environment with industries and clients that were different from what I was used to was something that always appealed to me.

If you would need to define your job in one word, what would it be?

Challenging. That’s one of the attractions of this job and something that keeps you motivated, always pushing yourself to learn and grow.

Now that you mention challenging, has your perception about data-driven marketing changed since working for DA and what does data-driven marketing mean to you?

To be honest, I had no idea what data-driven marketing was before I joined DA but my understanding and perceptions have definitely changed. Now I know that marketing is about logic as well, like mathematics. It’s about combining creativity with numbers and letting data guide you in the right direction, which is something that I really enjoy and which helps us to generate better results for our clients.

What’s exciting you about the industry right now?

The most exciting thing for me is that the focus of marketers is going back again to the end customer, the human side of things. In other words, delivering value, which is what we always start out with as our goal at DA. How can I help my customers drive value to their customers?

At DA specifically, another inspiring element is that I always work with many different parties and this can be quite challenging to manage, but exciting at the same time.

Where do you turn for inspiration?

I think inspiration can be derived from anyone or anything. My mom inspires me the most. No matter how challenging the task, she always completes everything with sheer dedication. She tells me “always finish off projects with the same enthusiasm with which you have started them”. That’s great advice and just one of my sources of inspiration.

What do you enjoy most when you’re not working?

I like to keep fit and active, so I enjoy playing tennis and working out. I also love spending time with family, relaxing, chatting, sharing advice. My passion away from work is shoes though. I even have my own shoe brand.

And finally, what are the secrets to your success in making positive connections with customers?

I think it’s important to be straightforward and sincere. I always believe that my customer’s company is also my company, and not just a client. This helps me to understand the customer’s perspective, which is important in terms of making a positive connection and creating real value. Then whenever I do something for our clients, I will have a personal connection to the work so I think carefully and spend time on it to deliver the best solution.